Still winter in the Gant Spectator coat

by dcfashionfool
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DCFashion Fool taking a moment to relax in his Gant Spectator coat

While I’m looking forward to spring, I’m glad I still have the chance to wear my Gant Spectator coat. Now is an interesting time of year but it’s the perfect time to wear those last minute winter items that have been living in your closet or that you’ve picked up at some of the great end of season sales.
DCFashion Fool sporting Gant Details of the Gant Spectator Coat Gant Spectator coat - leather trim Wolf vs Goat sneakers DCFashion Fool can handle the DC cold
After some epic winter weather, the weather in Washington has been unseasonably warm and has me eagerly looking forward to the warmer spring months. However every now and then we get a cold spurs reminding us that it’s still winter. In fact, we’re expecting another snowstorm a few days from now.

To top it off, many of the area stores have had some fantastic sales on winter wear. One of the best is Billy Reid in Georgetown. Their warehouse sale has items marked down as much as 75%. Can’t get over there? Check out the warehouse sale online. Another great sale was the bi-annual Gilt Warehouse sale most recently held at Union Market in northeast DC that’s where I picked up this beauty.

DCFashion Fool in the Gant Spectator coat
My Gant Spectator coat now seems to be in heavy rotation. I’ve been wearing it constantly around town especially around the 14th and U Street area where I seem to be finding places to eat! I had it on when I popped over to meet a friend at Busboys and Poets and then later headed over to nosh on Nycci Nellis’ sandwich at G by Mike Isabella. And since I’ve been on a food feeding frenzy, I wore it to my brunch at Piola Pizza DC. By the way, unlimited pizza and make your own mimosas and sangria are a winning combination!

Let’s just hope, it stays cold for a little bit. With all this food, my summer body is not there yet!

The striking collar of the Gant Spectator coat Close up of Wolf vs Goat

Shop My Look/ Details

Oriental Green Spectator coat –  Gant; Burgundy Turtleneck – Hugo Boss – similar; Burgundy corduroy pants – Saks Fifth Avenue (similar);  Nico olive wingtip sneakers – Wolf vs Goat

DCFashion Fool stays warm in winter

Photography by John Robinson Photography – Check him out!!!

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Ennisf March 8, 2016 - 5:02 pm

How fun to follow your friends!

Bruce Ben March 8, 2016 - 5:04 pm

I love GANT The Spectator Coat. I order it soon.

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