White House Correspondents’ Brunch Attire

by dcfashionfool
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So what does a guy wear for brunch attire? It really depends on the occasion. In my case it was the culmination of the weekend’s events. I was heading to the Hay Adams to attend the Thomson Reuters Correspondents’ brunch. So naturally any event across from White House meant that my brunch attire meant suit and tie.

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The White House Correspondent dinner is one of the events that the city looks forward to each year. Celebrities and socialites flock to the dinner to town to hear the president speak and to attend a series of pre and after parties that in Washington’s own way rival Hollywood or New York.

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The brunch was held on the top of the Hay Adams, which is directly across from the White House. A presidential view and politically inspired dishes by cheftestants from Bravo’s Top Chef was a great way to sport a great suit and end a great weekend.

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A gray suit with a pastel plaid tie was my choice for my brunch attire. It’s much easier to change up your tie game then to buy a new suit for every event on your calendar. A great way to do this is to subscribe to a subscription box service. My tie and accessories came from Harrison Blake. For a monthly fee, you receive a tie and 4 other accessories.

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May’s subscription box is a celebration of spring with the brightly colored plaid tie and coordinating lapel flower. I think the light blue tie bar added a neat touch to the look. Also included in this month’s subscription was a purple pocket square and cufflinks. Pairing these pieces with my gray suit and lavender shirt, I was ready to show of my brunch attire and hobnob with the politicos and celebrities.


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Grey Suit Blazer – Theory; Grey dress slacks – Theory, Lavandar patterned dress short – Hugo, Tie, lapel pin and tie bar – Harrison Blake

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