New York Fashion Week Day 2: A suit with shorts

by dcfashionfool
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While it may be considered an unconventional suit by Washington, DC standards, Day 2’s look during New York Fashion Week Men’s was a suit with shorts. For a hot day in the city and running around from show to show, it was the perfect look for the day.
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Wearing a suit with shorts is nothing new. It’s reminiscent of old school boy uniforms, Bermuda business attire or even the early outfits of AC/DC, but it seems that the look has garnered more attention in recent years. In 2014, several retailers, J. Crew, ASOS and even Barney’s, pushed the look for summer, which even made news headlines. (See Business Insider & Esquire).
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Even with this attention the suited shorts has yet to achieve mainstream status however that has not stopped designers and brands from to continuing to create their own spin on this fun look. Shorts with a blazer or a full suited look were seen in many of the shows this season. A favorite was a look from Nick Graham.

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My suit had a little pizzazz and was actually done in polka dot print. From a distance it was barely noticeable but up close it added just the right fashion punch. To keep the look somewhat casual, it was paired with a white Johnny collared polo and crisp white sneakers. For those less daring the suit, the shorts can be swapped out for slacks in the same pattern.

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Interestingly, my look was not unique among the guests attending New York Fashion Week Men’s. Several guys were seen rocking the suit with shorts; some in bold patterns, others opting for the blazer and shorts look. Either way, it was attention grabbing and worthy of street style photography ops but nothing too outlandish as some of the other outfits seen throughout the week. Who knows? Now that it’s being worn by fashion gurus and social influencers, maybe we’ll see more guys start to adopt the look. I know I’ll be wearing it back in DC!

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Shop my look/Details

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Polka dot suit – Frank and Oak (blazer / shorts); Johnny collar polo – Armani Collezioni; White lapel flower – Hook and Albert; White sneakers – Stan Smith Addidas by Raf Simmons; Sunglasses – Dior Homme

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